Teen Services
The Teen Services department is home to the Main Library’s Teen Corner, which houses a computer lab specifically for youth in grades 7-12. Teens can find our Young Adult book collection, which consists of:
Study guides for various tests and subjects
Information on college and careers
Novels, Biographies, and Non-Fiction books
Comics & Graphic Novels

Teen's Services
Teens are welcome to visit the Teen Corner with their school during the day or after school on their own. Comfortable sofas and tables provide a welcoming place for teens who want to come and do homework, participate in a program or after school pop up activity, or just hang out with friends. Teens can also check out the bulletin board, which is constantly updated with upcoming programs at the Library and in the community. Programs can also be found online on the library’s Teen Calendar.
Want to get involved? Contact us to learn more about how to join our Youth Advisory Council. Community services hours are earned as well as an end of the year stipend for the commitment.