Support the Library
The Friends of the Lawrence Public Library are a nonprofit, volunteer organization consisting of a group of people who support our library. This support makes it possible for the library to improve their public service programs for adult and children, as well as museum passes, computers, and furniture for the Library. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in improving the growth of our library.
Provide volunteer assistance for special library projects.
Raise funds to provide extra services.
Fund museum passes.
Fund educational programs.
Join the Friends of the Library
The Friends provides funding for:
Passes to popular Museums
Summer reading programs
Equipment and furniture for the Library
Book discussion groups
Author programs for adults and children
Children’s performances and activities
The Friends of the Lawrence Public:
Library is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization created to support Library programs and activities. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in improving the growth of our library