Computer Lab
The Lawrence Public Library is an ideal destination for those seeking access to quality resources and services. With a fully equipped computer lab and an extensive selection of books and periodicals, the library offers something for everyone.
Computer Lab
Providing Everything You Need

The second floor houses the Adult Computer Lab. The lab has twenty-four public access computers with:
Internet access
Microsoft Office
Printer capabilities: 15 cents/black and white copy, 30 cents/ full color copy
Visually impaired access

Computer Use Policy
The Public Library has a computer use policy that all patrons must follow. Computers are available for research and educational purposes, and must not be used for any illegal activities. Personal devices, such as laptops and phones, can be used in the library, but must not be used to access inappropriate or offensive websites. Patrons must also follow the library's rules regarding noise and other disruptive behaviors.
The Lawrence Public Library
Patrons are encouraged to use the computers in the library’s computer labs for the purposes of research, studying, working and entertainment. Computers located in the Children’s Room are primarily intended for use by children in grade 6 and younger and their parents or caregivers. The computers in the Teen Corner are primarily intended for use by students in grades 7 through 12. The computers in the Adult Computer Lab are primarily intended for adult use. To ensure that everyone has a safe and pleasant environment for computer use, please follow these guidelines:
Food and beverages are not allowed near computers or printers.
Keep noise to a minimum. If you want to use sound, please use earbuds or headphones. You can use your library card to check out headphones for use on the public computers. Headphones must be checked in once your computer session is complete.
You may use a computer for a period of one hour, and may continue to use it if nobody else is waiting. If you want to use the computer for more than an hour, you need to ask the librarian to extend your session before the timer reaches 0.
Whether using a library computer, patrons must refrain from viewing inappropriate images or videos.
The library offers Wi-Fi for use on personal devices. Use of the library’s wireless network is at the user’s own risk, since the network is neither secure nor encrypted. You can connect to the Lawrence Public Library network and use the password library1.
Consequences of violating this policy are at the discretion of the library staff.
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Contact Us
Our public library is here to serve you. If you have any questions or comments about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!