Library Volunteer Application
Whether you have an hour to serve or are available for more, we welcome you to join us at the Lawrence Public Library. We do not have an age minimum! If you want to volunteer after school, with your school, or even with your parents/family, we welcome that too.
Here are some areas we can use help in:
All community meetings held in the Library meeting rooms must be open to the public. There is no charge for the use of the Library’s meeting rooms. Meeting rooms may not be used for social activities, private parties, commercial endeavors or gatherings which advertise a product or service.
Children’s Room/1st Floor
We need many volunteers in this department! After school homework help is a busy time (Mondays-Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.) Volunteers are needed to help students in grades K-8 with homework, covering all subjects. Volunteers are also needed to engage youth after school with various activities including chess, board games, service projects, and engaging discussions on various topics.
Reference/2nd Floor
Volunteers can help us organize our shelves to ensure the discoverability of all our items, including our archived newspapers, books, magazines, and DVDs.
Special Collections/3rd Floor
Volunteers can be assigned a project by our archivist, Lindsey Gazlay, that may include data input as digitizing is underway.
Volunteers can be assigned a project by a member of our administrative team that may include file organization, reaching out to our contact list, and helping with promotions (for both programs and our items).
Building Maintenance
Volunteers can help dust our shelves and wipe down our public computer lab equipment, or help with any upkeep around or building and grounds.
The City of Lawrence is registered under the provisions of M.G.L., c. 6, s. 172 to receive CORI for the purpose of screening current and otherwise qualified prospective employees, subcontractors, volunteers, license applications, current licensees and applicants for the rental or lease of housing. As a prospective or current employee, subcontractor, volunteer, license applicant, current licensee, or applicant for the rental or lease of housing, I understand that a CORI check will be submitted for my personal information to the DCJIS. I hereby acknowledge and provide permission to the City of Lawrence to submit a CORI check for my information to the DCJIS. This authorization is valid for one year from the date of my signature. I may withdraw this authorization at any time by providing the City of Lawrence written notice of my intent to withdraw consent to a CORI check.
FOR EMPLOYMENT, VOLUNTEER AND LICENSING PURPOSES ONLY: The City of Lawrence may conduct subsequent CORI checks within one year of the date of this Form was signed by me provided, however, that the City of Lawrence must first provide me with written notice of this check. By signing below, I provide my consent to a CORI check and acknowledge that the information provided on Page 2 of this Acknowledgement Form is true and accurate. I also acknowledge receipt of the City of Lawrence CORI Policy.